Route Assist on Tablets

Following the Route Assist in Haul-It setup and scheduled route, Route Assist on Tablets is ready to be utilized by the driver. The driver can Login and access Login Tools. Drivers can then complete Pre-Trip & Post Trip Inspection Lists, perform Route Actions, Call Details and Call Actions.





  1. Select Truck & Driver if other than the default.
  2. Enter Password if required.
  3. Scheduled Route for the selected Truck will populate the Route field. Click drop down to change to another available option.
  4. Verify Odometer and update if needed.

Important Note: Update Odometer at Login if it is different than what is displayed.


Login Tools

Switch Company and Settings Tool will be available at Login as per OBC Settings.



Switch Company

  1. Double Arrow button will open the current WebService URL.
  2. Click Test to test network connection.
  3. Click Company drop down list to switch companies.
  • Switch Companies option will need to be enabled in OBC Settings Misc. tab.



  1. Click the gear button.
  • Current Version, Company and Default Settings will populate each field.
  1. Click Test to test network connection.
  2. Click the envelope button to email the administrator.
  • The Log Email address must be populated in OBC Settings Misc. tab.
  1. Enable or Disable Auto Complete Calls for trucks with scale integration.
  • Auto Complete Calls will auto capture the weight and record it on each lift.
  1. Set Default Truck if this tablet will always be used with the same Truck.
  2. Set Default Driver if this tablet will always be used with the same Driver.
  3. Set Default Distance unit of measure.
  4. Set On Board Weight unit of measure, if applicable.


Pre-Trip Inspection List

The Pre-Trip Inspection List will be presented based on the associated Vehicle Type/Vehicle & Scheduled Route within the Inspection List Manager upon driver login.



  • Following Route Assist driver login, the Pre-Trip Inspection List will open if one exists for the current Vehicle Type/Vehicle & Route.
  • Populate Odometer, Engine Hours, Measure Items, Tire Pressures as applicable.
  • Check the box for Checked Items as the items are inspected.
  • Optional Note(s) and Image(s) can be added to the inspection list item by clicking on the pen or camera buttons.
  • Driver can add a general note to the Pre-Trip Inspection List prior to submitting the list.
  • Driver will click Submit to finalize the Pre-Trip Inspection List and enter a signatureClosedSignature and SaveClosed.
  • See more details in our DVIR Center topic.


Route Actions


Start: Starts the route by setting the start time for the route. Once started, calls can be selected and completed.


Downtime: Drivers can select an existing productive downtime reason from the drop down while on the route.





See more about Downtime Reasons here.

  • Click Start to start the downtime clock.
  • Click Stop to stop the downtime clock.
  • Downtimes will be included in Route CompletionClosed.
  • Downtimes will be included on the Route Audit ReportClosed.


Disposal: Drivers can add a Non-Billable Disposal Ticket to the route.


Show Route: Displays a google map view of all stops on the route.


Logoff: Logs off the driver from the route.

  • Enter Odometer readings and/or post trip inspection list as prompted.
  • Odometer reading must be entered in order to avoid route closure complications.


Route Changes: Allows you to view changes to the route. For example new calls added, updated work order notes, and calls deleted from the route.

  • When New Calls, Updated Calls or Deleted Calls are made to the current route, these buttons will flash in red until Route Changes are viewed.


Messages: The message button allows the driver to view his messages along with the message configuration.


Call-Ins: Stops added to the route that are not scheduled.

  • Call-Ins appear with a decimal place following the sequence whole number.
  • Driver can complete Call-In's in any sequence within the route.
  • The route will auto resequence upon logoff.


% Complete: Percentage of completed calls on the route.


% Full: Percentage of waste to capacity on the truck.


Call Details



  • Unfinished calls will display in the To Do category. The first call sequence will display unless the driver selects differently.
    • The driver can work on the unfinished calls in any order unless the route is set as ordered in OBC Settings.
  • Customer and Site Name will display for the selected call if enabled in OBC SettingsClosed.
  • Site Address, Contact and Routing will be displayed in the header of the call details.
  • Call Details will include the call activity, quantity, container type and current bins if available.
  • Activity and/or Qty. can be modified as allowed.
  • Messages, Work Order and Driver Messages are included in the Call Details section.


Activity Drop Down: Allows the driver to switch the activity that is being completed. Select an Activity will list any activities that have been linked to the specific route type in your OBC SettingsClosed.



Call Actions


Start Call: Click Start Call to start the call. Once selected, the start time will be recorded for this call.


  • Once a call is started, only the driver can change the activity.
    • If the back office modifies the call after it has been started, the activity will resume it's original setting when finished.
  • If Start Route has not been started, when the first Start Call is begun, the Start Route will begin as well.


Disposal: Create a billable disposal ticket for the call being worked on.


Weight: Driver can enter or capture On-Board WeightsClosed per call.

  • Bluetooth symbol will be illuminated when Scale Integration is connected.
  • TRUX will recognize the scale weight and record it when the can is lifted.
  • Driver can delete the entered or captured weights if Allow Driver to Manage On-Board WeightsClosed is enabled in OBC Settings.


Issues: The driver can add Customer Service Issues to the call by Issue Types available to driverClosed in the OBC Settings.


Done: Completes the call the driver is actively working on.

  • Driver will receive prompts if actions are required. (Signature, Load/Unload Bins, Weight)
  • With or without starting the next call the driver is allowed to use the Unload button to confirm that the container previously on board have been unloaded.


Finished: Once the Done button is clicked, the call status will be moved to Finished in both Route Assist and in Route CenterClosed.


Additional Call Functions


Nav. Site: Opens Google Map to navigate the current location>site selected on the call.


Nav. Facility: Select a Facility from the drop down, click Map to view directions to the selected facility.


Site Map: Opens Google Map with directions and details for the selected call.


Image: Accesses the tablet camera to take a photoClosed. The photo will append to the respective call on the route.


Item+ : Allows the driver to add extra items.

  • If an instance occurs where the driver arrives at the call site and finds additional items to be charged, the item can be added to the call.
  • An Additional Items Facility must be selected in OBC SettingsClosed.
  • Materials for potential additional items must exist in the Additional Items Disposal FacilityClosed.
  • Driver will select the material and enter qty and BoL (Bill of Lading, if applicable).
  • Driver can click Image to capture a pictureClosed of the additional item. The camera will open and the image will be attached to the call.


Bins: Displays the real-time status of container inventory and GPS location of those containers.


Signature: Will capture signature when requiredClosed.

  • Signature will display the Disclaimer if one exists in the OBC Settings.
  • The signature will appear on the work orderClosed associated with the call.


Call Status


To Do: Unfinished Routed Calls and Call-Ins will be listed in this category.


Finished: Includes all finished calls on this route. Finished calls will be changed from green to blue.


All: Includes both To Do and Finished calls on this route.


Route Finished


End Route or Logoff: Once all calls on the route are finished, the driver will select End Route or Logoff to finalize.

  • Driver will update Route StatisticsClosed and click Yes to confirm ending the route.


Residential Route Actions

Residential calls are listed individually and clearly displays which call is being worked on. Action buttons are included in the call display.



  • Driver will click on the necessary action item as needed.
  • Associated dialog will open for Add Issue, Extra Item and Map Call.
  • When Finish Call is selected, the call display will change from green to blueClosed.


Post-Trip Inspection List

Following Route Assist End Route or Logoff, the post Trip Inspection list will open if one is applicable to the current vehicle and route type.



  • The driver will update statistics, measure and checked items as per the inspection list.
  • The driver can add notes and images per checked items if needed.
  • The driver can add a general note on the inspection list if needed.
  • Once submitted, the post trip inspection list will be sent to the DVIR Center in Haul-It and/or Maintain-It.
  • See more details in our DVIR Center topic.


Route Assist Container Inventory

Route Assist: Haul-It Setup & Maintenance

Schedule Routes


DVIR - Driver Vehicle Inspection Report Setup

DVIR Center - Driver Vehicle Inspection Report